(217 kcal)

Recipe for banana spinach smoothie.


1 banana (130 g)

1 ts teaspoon oil (olive, flax, sun flower) (5 g)

1 TS tablespoons of protein from cannabis (10 g) or other protein in powder

1 bowl of spinach (20 g)

Minth leaves for decoration.

Preparation and tips

  1. All ingredients blend in blender with water milk.  Put in the glass and enjoy this fresh taste of bananas and spinach. There are added some calories from oil and protein powder to prepare it as suitable afternoon snack in case of weight loss journey. 
  2. Easy, refreshing, tasty, colourful smoothie.


Nutrition value of smoothie 

907 kJ/ 217 kCAL.

Energy: 217 kcal

Proteins: 7,16 g

Saccharides:30,86 g

Fat: 6,52 g